Guy's weird attitude towards me

Guy's weird attitude towards me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Let me start with the fact that at the time I met the object of my love, I was 28 years old and that was a little over a year ago, and he was 33 (he is divorced, there isson , with whom he spends a lot of time). More precisely, we had encountered him before at work (and my work is project-based, so I constantly work with different people and in the offices of clients), but we didn’t really communicate.

Last year, from the first day we started communicating, he actively explained everything to me, brought me up to date. And then one day, during an explanation, he accidentally touched me and it struck me like an electric shock. After that, we began to communicate much more about work, he gave me his phone number, sometimes we wrote off work emails even on weekends, discussed work issues and joked, the messages always contained emoticons and humor.

When the project ended, he began to write to me, mostly he just gave me funny pictures, sometimes he just wrote off how things were going. Several times he went on vacation with friends and also sent me photos from the vacation and shared his impressions (although I didn’t ask him to do this). We talked like that for about three months, then we sort of agreed to meet, but he canceled each time for some reason. The meeting took place, probably, only on the fourth attempt, at the meeting he talked a lot about his son, asked me about the family, talked about travel, travel, and exchanged general impressions. The meeting was in a restaurant, and he behaved very gallantly, looked after me all evening, poured tea, talked me into dessert, helped me take off and put on my coat, then we left the restaurant and he walked me to the metro, holding my hand the whole time and hugged your waist goodbye and kissed you on the cheek. After that, he and I communicated again on the Internet, pictures, jokes and nothing serious. Then he made an appointment several times, but canceled it again. I couldn’t stand it anymore, I wrote that if he doesn’t want to see each other, then he shouldn’t correspond, to which he wrote me a long tirade, saying that he was busy, he apologized and soon the meeting will take place. And then he disappeared for three months.

All these three months II thought about him every day , there wasn’t a day without thinking about how he was doing. And then one day I wrote to him and simply asked how he was doing, he answered as if nothing had happened, offered to see me sometime and disappeared again. For 2 months. And two weeks ago he wrote with an offer to see me, I hesitated, but still agreed. The meeting took place last week, he again wanted to cancel it, then he wrote that it would work out and he would come. He came to the meeting very handsome (in new clothes), brought me a gift (a book), immediately hugged me very tightly and pressed me to him. We sat for two hours, talked about everything in the world, laughed, he hugged me several times, then he walked me to the metro and goodbye he kissed me on the lips (which I didn’t expect at all, although I really wanted it). And after that he disappeared again. In this situation, I feel that the person has some interest in me, but at the same time the motives for his actions are unclear. I would be grateful for an outside perspective.

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