My husband's strange behavior

My husband's strange behavior
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been together not so long ago, only 3 years. It's very heavy behind memarriage and adulthooddaughter . At the time we met, I was already divorcing my husband, but it was not easy and took time.

It was difficult for me to accept another man as a serious relationship, but his warmth pulled me in, but my mind resisted. All this lasted about a year, don’t think I’m not arrogant, I was just afraid to fall in love and then God forbidbetrayal , I just experienced it, but still I gave up my position and we began to live together. My daughter accepted him as her own, which was surprising to me, but after 1.5 years thishappiness is over.

The man who breathed me, cherished me, I don’t even have words to describe himattitude towards me, I will say, is that he is a dream man. In addition to all these qualities, he is handsome, has a gorgeous body and is completely for me sexually, I just had the idea that we were made for each other. And the changes have taken place dramatically.

It’s just that one day the person lost interest in general, and I didn’t panic at first, I understand the work, the nerves,problems , but then I realized that no, he’s just different, cold, rude, withdrawn, but only with me, with others he’s the same. I started talking about his changes and what the reason was, but he only asked me not to blow his mind, in the end he betrayed me, we didn’t communicate for six months, then he called, I needI helped him without any hopes, I simply listened as a person and took on his problem.

I am like this on my own, although I was dying from torment, suffering, in the end he praysforgive me and over time I gave up, we started again and again everything was excellent, but after 4 months the aggression began,indifference , he directly tells me that he hates me, that he was mistaken! And I’ve been sitting here for a week and I don’t understand how to behave. He loves the day, he hates the day. I told him that if I put an end to it, then nothing will happen after it. Now I spend time in the kitchen, trying not to cross paths. Tell me how to behave, I’m certainly not small, but these are the secondrelationship , I left earlymarried and lived with her husband for 9 years. There were quarrels and fights, but I have never felt so unhappy, but what is happening now simply does not add up in my head.

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