My son's strange behavior

My son's strange behavior
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I decided to tell this strange story here. Don’t consider me crazy, everything I’m going to write now is the absolute truth, and I, what’s his name?mother , this is the first thing that worries me. I have two sons. The eldest is 14 (almost 15), the youngest is 6. About a year ago, the eldest son began to develop some strange behavior, although it did not get out of control. For example, he laughed too often and too much, behaved too childishly, etc., etc., but 2 months ago something completely unusual appeared.

It all started when the younger one began to complain to me that the older one was harassing him with some kind of “Christopherobin”. The first time I didn’t even understand what word he said, but whenmy son began to use this word regularly, and then his words were completely confirmed (the eldest constantly whispers this in his ear and laughs) I even began to wonder what it was and where it came from. I searched on the Internet - Christopher Robin, a character from Winnie the Pooh. “What nonsense?” - I thought.

Soon his behavior became out of the ordinary - the younger one, almost with tears in his eyes, showed me sheets of paper from his room, which were covered with the words “Christopher Robin,” and also claimed that the older one “constantly shows me his on your phone when you're not looking." I really wanted to think that the younger one, as usual, was exaggerating everything. After all, his words made no sense.

But at some point my curiosity got the better of me and, while my son wasn’t looking, I took his phone and looked at the gallery just for fun. Imagine my bewilderment when I saw that everything there was literally crammed with photographs. A boy from his school, from a parallel class. As far as I know, they don't even communicate. I haven’t talked to my son about this topic yet, but I dare to suggest that “Christopher Robin” is the pseudonym of that same guy. Why does my son need all this, who, in general, is no longer sochild - I just can’t imagine. In response to my questions about who Christopher Robin is, he begins to laugh so hard that sparks fly from his eyes, and runs away to his room.

What's going on with my son?

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