Strange behavior of my girlfriend

Strange behavior of my girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyThe confession concerns a serious relationship with my girlfriend. I am 22 years old, she is 19. We have been dating for 3 years, a serious relationship began, we began to make joint plans for common housing. At the moment, I live with my parents, and she lives with hers. Her parents are building a new apartment. At the end of construction, they allow us to live there, I'm not ready to live in her parents' apartment (shame,fear ). The apartment in the 17th year will be ready in the spring.

I propose to live together, in a rented apartment, she refuses, saying that if you don’t want to live with me, then there will never be a further life, and there is no point in such a relationship. We fight constantly for two years. No matter how I tried it, a person cannot be retrained. They broke up before, but not for long. Blackmails, if I don’t do everything, write, it’s gone. I really value and love her, but I understand that if we live together, we won’t last long, but I don’t want to lose her. But I can't stand these antics. But tonight my patience finally snapped.

Recently we started collecting the overall budget. I gave her money so she could save. A certain amount has accumulated on my part, and a certain amount on hers. It so happened that there was a shortage of money. Phoned before going to bed, asked for a small amount of my deferred money. At first she started to refuse. He says, if there is not enough money, then get out so, everything that is postponed cannot be touched.

It's still a long way from payday. After that there was a strong quarrel. She said, either she gives everything away and on this all the postponements are over, or we don’t touch my deferred savings at all. We started fighting even harder. The showdown began. After that, she began to blackmail me with my money, saying that if you don’t answer tomorrow, and not today, then you won’t see your money.

After that I don't know what to do anymore. Should I continue my relationship with this person? If not, how can I get over myself? Because I can’t stand these antics and I can’t part with her - I’m very used to this person.

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