Is there friendship between a man and a woman?

Is there friendship between a man and a woman?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There are two directly opposing opinions regarding friendship between a man and a woman. Some are sure that the gender of people does not affect friendship, others believe that sooner or later nature will take its toll and “soul mates” will eventually end up in the same bed. Personally, I belong to the latter, and mineman - to the first. And we have some “friction” about this.

One is minemy friend is clearly very interested in my boyfriend and I don’t want to pretend that I’m all so modern and advanced. It’s not that I don’t trust him, but I’m sure that he doesn’t fully understand the depth of women’s cunning and, unwittingly, may not resist... and thereby destroy ourrelationship . Which I treasure. And for which I am ready to fight. Jealousy is, of course, vulgar and petty, but when it comes to opposite-sex friendships, it’s not a bad idea to assume the worst. It is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences later.

I have never met a man in my life for whom was significantfriendship with a woman. Usually, they don’t consider it something important at all, unlike their “real male friendship.” Moreover, a man who is not offended by life, who is trying to assert himself by the number of people in his bed, will never choose a woman as his best friend - the difference in the worldview of the sexes on the same things is too strong.

If a man has a serious relationship,communication with a suspicious, pretty “adventurer” is completely useless to him. And it is not the busy man who should organize the “impressions” for such a “seeker,” but his woman. He is not a single and free “macho”, he has obligations and he must behave accordingly, incl. cares about the feelings and experiences of his beloved. If, of course, he values ​​his current relationship. And this is not a matter of vulgar jealousy, but of respect for the relationship and your girlfriend. If she doesn’t like it, then you should listen to her opinion and not go ahead. Moreover, she has reason to worry and be nervous.

Personally, I cannot be calm if myguy gets a call late at night from test-antibiotic.comgirls , even if it’s “on a work issue.” Work should remain at work and not be a reason for starting a relationship with an unfree man.

Do “unfree” people have the right to try to make friends with a person of the opposite sex? Or should they sacrifice this for the peace of mind of their other half?

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