Mother-in-law thinks only of herself

Mother-in-law thinks only of herself
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It so happened that my son and I happened to live with my mother-in-law. And I can’t call this period anything other than torture. The reason for this situation was that my husband and I urgently sold our one-room apartment. There was a very profitable offer, thanks to which we significantly reduced the amount that was not enough to buy a two-room apartment, closer to the mother-in-law. In order to quickly collect the remaining amount andmoney for repairs, a decision was made at the family council -my husband goes to work for six months, while my son and I live with my mother-in-law for this time, fortunatelyapartment allows.

It all started not bad, during the day I and my mother-in-law are at work,child in kindergarten. Food, rent in half, it was my initiative, my mother-in-law does not have such a big salary, and still less than I rent an apartment. She has a two-room apartment , my son and I are in the bedroom, she is in the hall. The child is not noisy, not spoiled, and in the evening he calmly watched cartoons on TV with his grandmother for half an hour before going to bed. The TV is in the hall, the mother-in-law turns it on, as soon as she comes home from work and turns it off when she goes to bed, that is, closer to eleven.

The nightmare began a month and a half after my husband left, when I noticed that my son began to fall frequently, bump into things and squint. Naturally, they went to the doctor, it turned out to be a lazy eye syndrome with a possibility of myopia. Under the ban TV, tablet, in general, everything. Bandage for one eye and gymnastics for the other. For a period of three months. It seems to be nothing critical, she told her son that the tablet was broken, he was not interested in the phone. But the mother-in-law flatly refused to spend evenings without TV. He calms her down and it's okay if the child watches cartoons for half an hour. Neither my persuasion nor the persuasion of my husband helped. The result was such that every evening the son cries, because he does not understand why he cannot go to watch cartoons with his grandmother, because he hears that the TV is on. I also cried because I felt sorry for him.

After crying for two weeks, I began to walk with my son on the street, while it was warm, until late, then it got colder and we sat in the room until my husband arrived. They played, drew, occupied it as best they could. She could not only explain one thing, why for his grandmother the TV is more precious than his eyesight.

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