Mother-in-law should not be the head of the family

Mother-in-law should not be the head of the family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Relationships in my family have reached a dead end. My husband and I met 5 years ago. Two and a half years ago he was born with uschild . Two years flew by like one day in worries and getting used to a new status. Mymother helped, came where to go for a walk, where to sit with the child, somewhere she helped financially, in general, she accepted what she couldhelp .

With regard to the mother-in-law, everything was different. She came about once every 2 months, for about 2-5 hours, played with the baby and left. Moreover, this was not help, but rather the opposite. Before she arrived, myMy husband Dima forced me to clean everything, wash it and, accordingly, so that I thought through how to set the table. And when she came, she turned all the attention to herself. And here is the picture: she is playing with a child, and everyone around is sitting and moved by how beautiful everything is. She brought some books, toys and everyone, naturally, had to admire it, and she told how she bought it all, where and so on. She even called herself “ holiday grandma”, she came, played and that’s it, and all the gray everyday life went to me and my mother.

Further more. My child and I went to the dacha. Moreover, I always dealt with everything myself, I didn’t ask for help. And then she could come to us for 10 days. And then the end of the world began. For the first three days everything was fine, and then she began to take everything into her own hands and command. And it turned out that I was doing everything wrong, and my child was very capricious (this was after he slapped her leg with his palm and then lay down on the floor). I also don’t know how to wash dishes, and my nightie is not right, and I don’t lay out the bed linen correctly, and I don’t sit him on the potty correctly, and I don’t cut his nails, andI don’t get my husband ready for work correctly. To the point that I don’t wash chandeliers. There was once such a picture: we unscrewed the shades for her, brought them, she rinsed them in water, wiped them and gave them to us, and we screwed them back in. Naturally, in parallel with this, was given a lot of advice and recommendations. And of course, constant monitoring - when we walked, when we ate. If anything, she showed by her own example how to do it.

Everything would be fine if my husband did not obey her in everything. That's what she doesn't say, she immediately runs to do it. For example, she told him to screw a board to the front of the house (barely having crossed the threshold) and immediately ran off, also asking me where his screwdriver was. And the fact that I have long asked him to bring sand for the child and so on remains completely unnoticed. At the dacha I made several beds (for the child), but my mother-in-law didn’t like how uneven they were and said that it was enough to leave two beds, and the rest needed to be leveled. There, Dima told me this: I’ll level your beds. Recently, my husband found fault with me, said that what I cook can be thrown in the trash, and that I need to cook like his mother, and she added that if you live to my age, you will learn. I decided to put the salad I prepared inrefrigerator , it turned out I didn’t put in that container, I refused to move it, so Dima began to move it himself - under the gaze of his mother-in-law.

Recently I was in the hospital. Accordingly, the grandmothers and husband watched over the son. By the way, my husband did not visit me in the hospital and did not pick me up - my mother did that. But upon arrival home, my husband had a lot of complaints against me and my mother, and his mother behaved perfectly according to his words. At first I tried to talk to him that it was impossible to live like that in a family, that it was wrong, that he should have his own head on his shoulders, that divorce was not far away. But my conversations were transmitted to my mother-in-law, and it was even worse. I tried to talk to my mother-in-law, and she said that if I have anyproblems with my husband, that means it’s my own fault and I have to solve it myself. Moreover, she says all this quietly, without shouting, as if she wishes well. I just want to run far away from such a family.

Moreover, especially recently, began to be nagged by my husband: no matter what I do wrong, everything is wrong again and I don’t even hear a good word. Moreover, I tried to do the right thing, but, apparently, you will never please them, only my self-esteem will fall below “0”, I already feel like some kind of “rag”. In general, I decided todivorce , I just decided to look at it for another month - I don’t want to leave my son without a father.

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