My mother-in-law did not calm down even after our divorce

My mother-in-law did not calm down even after our divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I were divorced by my mother-in-law. She didn't like me right away. She is tall and slender, and I am plump. This is exactly what has always haunted her. It got to the point that my mother-in-law told my husband in front of me that among all the girls he knew, he chose the ugliest one. My husband translated this as a joke, but I was very offended. My mother-in-law even selected diets for me, but I couldn’t stand it and one day I told her: “There are special diets for thin people who can’t gain weight and have rattling bones.” There's evenThe husband was offended and stood up for my mother.

Then my parents bought me an apartment, and since I was alreadymarried , they registered her as her father. This made my mother-in-law very angry, and she began to tunehusband against me, instilling in him that I gave our parents ourmoney , otherwise how would they buy an apartment? She told everyone she knew that shemy son earns very well, but I took advantage of the opportunity and bought an apartment for myself with his money. Our town is small, and through friends these rumors reached my parents. They couldn’t stand it and expressed everything they thought about my mother-in-law to her and my husband.

A year later we divorced. My ex-husband got married six months later and moved to another city, apparently drawing conclusions from our divorce. I only met a man this year, and when they decided to get married, my ex-mother-in-law found out about it. She somehow found my future mother-in-law and said a lot of unpleasant things about me. At first she believed it, but her neighbor saw them together and said that this was her former work colleague, the first gossip and curmudgeon in their team. Nobody liked her there, and they were glad that she quit.

So I was lucky that my mother-in-law opened their eyes to the truth in time. I think that I should do as my ex-husband did and leave my hometown. After all, it is still unknown what this woman is capable of, I would not be surprised if she also brings damage to me or my family.

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