Mother-in-law abandoned her grandson

Mother-in-law abandoned her grandson
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married to my husband for 4 years, have a little oneson . We lived with his mother for a long time, but recently separated because it was already unbearable to live together. For 4 years of marriage, there were constant quarrels only because of his mother, since every month she was looking for a reason for a scandal. For example, lack of attention, putting an item in the wrong place, and much more. She always tried to get her son to rent a separate apartment for her. Literally after workhusband , she called him to her room and that’s all they talked about.

My mother-in-law had a stroke many years ago, one part works poorly and almost doesn’t speak, so we lived together, plusmy husband is very dependent on his mother and her opinion, he cannot live without her. The last time I was already tired of enduring it and just started packing my things. I informed my husband about this, he immediately arrived after work and went to my mother to find out.relationship , it turns out, we just wanted to talk together, but it immediately turns outMom sees my things and immediately started shouting throughout the house and collecting my things further. At this time, the son was sleeping, and he woke up due to the screams of his mother-in-law. Okay, she touched my things, she started throwing out her grandson’s things and telling us to leave. My husband sent us to my parents for a while until we find an apartment. I was very angry at this, that my son and I were simply kicked out of the house. Let me explain, I didn’t even scream, I didn’t say too much to his mother, I was just silent as always. So why should I sort things out with a sick person?

My husband couldn’t find an apartment for a long time and I realized that if I don’t find it myself, it will take a long time. I found an apartment, my husband decided that his mother would move out, since she had less things, and if we did, then almost the entire apartment would need to be moved, since my parents furnished the apartment before the wedding. We've been living separately for exactly two weeks now. Before bringing the child here, I came and cleaned the whole house, as it was a mess. We have been living separately for two weeks now, and my husband wants to take his son to his grandmother on the weekend. I don’t want this yet, I don’t forbid it, but I don’t want it yet. Since herThe act speaks volumes; she not only kicked me out, but also her grandson. And now she wants to see him.

When we lived together, she never helped me with my son. I didn’t even play with him, I just sat on my laptop and talked to men. Why take our son there? In a mess, where there is only dirt (my mother-in-law was always dirtier, she had cockroaches in the house when I first moved here), so that she could sit on her laptop and not pay attention to her grandson? If that’s what he wants, then let him come and see his grandson in our house, I think this is the right decision for now. Or go there with me so that I can be present, but my husband doesn’t want to, he says that he will take his son himself.

My husband’s relatives are generally very strange. Even during this time, his grandmother was not interested in her great-grandson, she does not come and visit, but now she runs to her daughterevery day and sits for hours. This didn’t happen before, they hired me in the morning as a nurse and were happy. And now they have to run to her and sit with her, since she is alone. I think if they would have paid attention to her earlier, maybe she would have treated me more gently, since they know her better, but no, they just threw her to me and disappeared. And now they just run to her. I don’t have anything bad here, but I think it was their mistake, and they themselves spoiled her so much. At the same time, they always told me: “be patient and everything will work out, she is a sick person, she has never been like this.” I think that people don’t change because of illness, she was like that, it just intensified for her and that’s all. And there’s no point in making her an angel either.

I’m only writing here because I’m confused and don’t know what to do. I understand that they cannot be prohibited from seeing their grandson, but I don’t see that they want to. Even my son’s leg hurt so much after the vaccination that his lips were blue from the pain, no one called and found out how he was doing, and they demand attention.

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