Mother-in-law comes uninvited

Mother-in-law comes uninvited
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been married for 4 years. Son is 3 years old. When the son was just born, we moved to her husband's parents (mine live in another city). My mother-in-law helped a lot with the child, which gave me the opportunity not to quit my job, and the authorities went along and raised me.

My husband also worked two jobs, and in 2020 we were able to take an apartment on a mortgage. They made cosmetic repairs and immediately moved, so I wanted to be in my apartment, where no one interferes and you can do whatever you want. But it was not there! My mother-in-law began to visit us, and often without an invitation. The husband gave her a duplicate key, by the way, without even consulting me. Therefore, the mother-in-law can descend at any moment, without a preliminary call. The answer is always the same: “I was passing by, I went in to leave a hotel for my grandson, and I didn’t call so as not to disturb anyone.”

And it seems to me that she comes on purpose when there is no one to climb into our things. Maybe I’m winding myself up, but it’s very unpleasant when a stranger invades your personal space so unceremoniously. Washes dishes, folds scattered things, collects children's toys. It seems to her that in this way she helps us, and I am already tormented by her invisible presence. My husband doesn't understand why I'm annoyed, becauseMom comes when we are not at home and, in his opinion, does not bother anyone.

The situation is complicated and I do not know how to resolve it so as not to offend anyone. I don’t want to go into open conflict with my mother-in-law, and I don’t know how to drive her away from home.

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