The mother-in-law allows to sell the apartment only on her terms

The mother-in-law allows to sell the apartment only on her terms
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We live as cohabitants, we didn’t sign on time, but we plan. There is a common child who is registered on the father. I have the eldest daughter from my first marriage and he has a son - 11 years old. Do we live in a single room? we were cramped, they wanted to sell it, add maternity capital and take a three-room apartment. The mother-in-law put forward a condition - eitherthe apartment will be recorded on it, or a marriage contract.

I somehow feel uncomfortable, I think our relationship will not be better and civilmy husband offered to take out a mortgage when I come out of maternity leave. Sell ​​one apartment, give a million money to your mother-in-law, andthe money that we paid for the mortgage, plus the sale of my property, plus maternity capital, and there will be our own shared apartment. But mother-in-law did not like it. Why does she not want to let her son go free swimming?

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