Mother-in-law kicks us out of the apartment

Mother-in-law kicks us out of the apartment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was happy when, after the wedding, my husband's parents gave us an apartment. She was left by his grandmother. Joy faded a little when I saw a completely run-down apartment with old plumbing, furniture and peeled wallpaper. Housing required expensive repairs, which we could not afford, both of us work in state institutions, the salaries are small. We decided to take a loan, my parents helped a little with money.

Now we already live in a normal apartment, pay off debts, saving literally on everything. But all the same, they are happy that they have their own corner, and even so cozy. But yesterday my mother-in-law called and told us to help them pay off the loan they took out to buy a car. I said that we have no money, and we can barely pay our debts. Then the mother-in-law suddenly announced that she could sell our apartment, but she gave it away for free, and we can’t even help them.

I did not expect such a turn and now I do not know what to do. The husband is also at a loss, says that it was her stepfather who turned against us. The fact is that the mother-in-law gave us two weeks to think about, and then she will evict us and rent out the apartment. The apartment was designed for her, we could not even think that everything would turn out this way, although initiallyher husband asked her to re-register the apartment for him, but hismother refused, saying that she had a place to live and was not going to kick us out. And that's how it turned out! We have invested heavilymoney for repairs, still owed for it, and now we are offered to pay or move out. I am afraid that we will pay her the required amount, and after some time we will again have claims, because the mother-in-law is still the owner.

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