My mother-in-law regrets that she divorced us

My mother-in-law regrets that she divorced us
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

For 20 years now I have been tormented by onequestion . My ex-husband and I have been divorced for 18 years. I raised my son alone. My parents-in-law did not accept me, they thought that I came from a family with money and that my relatives would help. This sounds crazy, I understand that it is difficult to understand, but here it is. I loved their son madly, I reacted painfully to absolutely all the whims of my mother-in-law, she divorced us as best they could. They set up various intrigues, but I didn’t suit them at all. Not my borschtcutlets , cleanliness, well-groomed themson , cleanliness in the house and the birth of their grandson did not stop my son and me from being kicked out of their life and home.

And here I am, a very young single mother with a small child, left alone without any help to survive. I went to my mother’s apartment, but she was always busy only with herself. After the divorce, they asked me not to bother their family again, not to call, not to ask for anything, and they didn’t want to see their grandson. I begged, begged and cried that our test-antibiotic.comdivorce from their son is one thing - they don’t love me, they don’t want to see me, so let the son know that he has grandparents. By the way, I grew up without a father and therefore this is a very sensitive topic for me.

FormerMy husband very soon found a replacement for me, married a young, beautiful girl from high society from a very noble and wealthy family. It is clear that I am fatherless, without a higher education and without wealthy relatives, I couldn’t even hold a candle to her.

And my son and I began to live and decideproblems as they arise. The years flew by like one day. Now I am 40+ and my son is 20+. We're fine. PersonalI never settled my life , my soul was very beaten, with a huge shock for the rest of my life from my first and true love.

Through people I once heard that my ex-mother-in-law felt sorry years after our divorce and said: “the firstmy daughter-in-law was golden, I regret that I divorced them.” There was an impulse in my soul to go to them for the sake of my son with gifts, they are already old; my father-in-law is already 80, and my mother-in-law is almost 80. I sincerely feel sorry for them, and in the depths of my soul I forgave them a long time ago. And I never turned my son against them, but only said: “Son, we must forgive everyone, all people are different, with their own destiny, well, that’s how they are.” And she offered to give him the address, buy gifts for the New Year , and for him to go to his grandparents, because what is important for old people? Samehappiness , probably, to see a copy of their son, first-born? It is clear that the exMy husband still has children. But the son went into their breed, he is equally thick-skinned, and says: “I don’t want to, they don’t need me and they are strangers to me.”

And every day I think, because the years fly by, no one goes towards each other,my father doesn’t want to do anything, he’s 50 years old. Grandma and Grandpa also haven’t come and haven’t sought a meeting with us for almost 20 years. What to do? My conscience is the only one that torments me. Or accept it?

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