Only after the divorce did the husband begin to do what he had promised before

Only after the divorce did the husband begin to do what he had promised before
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Two years ago I separated from my husband. There is a jointa child who is 8 years old. They separated due to the fact that they could no longer perceive him next to her. All the plans that we could make could collapse at one moment. For 7 years of marriage there were no common aspirations, plans, evenings with family, etc. He was at work and without restI couldn't drink alcohol . As a result, I completely stopped taking his words as truth.

As soon as we separated, he began to look after me very beautifully, fulfilling everything he once promised, but I was always expecting a catch, I was afraid that if we got back together, everything would come back.

For two years I have been analyzing everything that happened to us and now I see my mistakes. A woman must first of all guide a man, make him better and walk next to him. If a woman has no idea what she needs, then families end up where you just love without a strong foundation of marriage.

Now both he and I haverelationship , but I still can't let him go. I don’t see my family with another person, that I will have a child not from him. I constantly imagine that we spend evenings, me, him andson , and we are waiting for the birth of our daughter. I still love him, but I'm afraid that things won't work out between us.

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