It's hard to be unloved

It's hard to be unloved
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been living with a man for about a year. With beloved man. We got a kitten, he loves him very much, which cannot be said for me.

After work, I don’t really want to go home, because I feel empty and unloving on his part. He can yell at me over every little thing, hurt me to the point of tears, and never apologize. He never says kind words when it comes to children. Hereit’s a matter of time, he apparently has it, but I’m already closer to 35.

How can you live even if you love a person, but without happiness? To be one and only, and not to begLove . Hismom andmy sister says that he is such a closed person. What you have to endure if you want a family. Not a girl anymore, romance and all that nonsense.

But if you feel that something important is missing, then it really is missing. I don’t want to raise a cat, I want a family and I’m afraid to admit to myself that I am an unloved woman.

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