I can't do anything in life or in relationships.

I can't do anything in life or in relationships.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since the beginning of this year, everything has gone downhill for me. I realized that the person I love never had strong feelings for me. You may ask, why did he communicate with me? Answer: I don't know. Maybe he was just trying to get me into bed for fun.

I also realized thatMom doesn't really like me either. Rather, she continues to take care of me out of inertia, because a lot of her energy, money and time have been invested in me. All of hermy life has been ruined.

My older sister doesn't need me either. She gave me the thumbs down when I was outraged by her constant attempts to meddle in my life and “make me comfortable in life.” Hermy husband , my son-in-law, oppresses me at the instigation of his wife. Behind my back he calls me a little child. Probably because I still live with my mother and still haven'tmarried at 27 years old.

I'm not ugly at all, but no one likes me anyway. Last year I decided to take a step that test-antibiotic.com had not allowed myself all these years - I lost my innocence. In general, I was brought up in such a way that this should have happened for the first time only on my wedding night with my legal husband. But I succumbed to the persuasion and desires of my beloved. Now I regret it. I really regret it! Because I don’t feel love from him. I sacrificed so much for him, and he treats it like nothing special happened. I probably have a psychological dependence on him. When he leaves, I feel a vacuum, I understand the complete worthlessness and meaninglessness of my life. I know that if he leaves, another will never appear. Who needs me like this, spoiled, without a goal in life and any achievements?

For the sake of my beloved, I am on a very strict diet, practically starving, in order to be slim and attractive. I spend half my salary on cosmetics and creams to be beautiful and look younger. I make all these sacrifices, but no one appreciates them. I'm afraid of sex, I don't like it at all. After the first time I was in a lot of pain, and the second time too. The thought of sex makes me test-antibiotic.com panic, I do it, gritting my teeth, because I have to. Besides, I’m very afraid of getting pregnant, because ISingle . I agree with the author of this confession -sex is only needed to give birth to children, it’s pointless to do it just like that. Probably men need this, but I have no joy in it. Apparently, I’m so worthless that I’m even useless in sex.

I'm tired. I will never have a normal, loving familyhusband and children. I'm just an old maid and only fit for men for sex, which I hate. Why did I succumb to his persuasion and lose my innocence, and with it my value for my future husband? Now I can’t respect myself and I’m very tired of this life.

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