My husband and I have different views on raising our son.

My husband and I have different views on raising our son.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Even before our wedding, my husband and I planned to have at least three children, probably because both I and he had neither a sister nor a brother. Whenmy husband found out that Ipregnant , joy knew no bounds, he was very caring, didn’t let me do anything, did everything myself. Walking in the park on weekends, we dreamed of how we would love our son (we already knew it would be a boy), came up with a name, it was fun. I didn’t even think then that with the birth of a child, on the contrary, everything would change, evenhusband's relationship with me.

It began with the fact that my husband said that I pamper the child, and therefore he constantly cries that I often take him in my arms. The son was restless, the husband did not get enough sleep, therefore they often quarreled, as he accused me of this. Over time, under this pretext, he began to go to sleep in another room.

I was very tired throughout the whole day, because besides the child I had to clean, prepare dinner and a bunch of other things to do. In the evening I asked my husband to take a walk with his son, and I would rest a little, but he said that he was tired from work, and I had plenty of time to sleep during the day. It was very upsetting, sometimes I cried so that no one could see. None of us started talking about a second (let alone a third) child.

Now my son is four years old, he goes to kindergarten, it has become a little easier than when he was little. I love him, I please him with beautiful and useful things, I’m interested in him, but my husband still says that I spoil him, run to him when he falls, and that he will grow up to be a mama’s boy. We have completely different views onraising a child, the son never even cries in front of his husband, he is afraid that dad will yell at him again. My husband never praises him; my son and I mostly walk together on the street, even on weekends. Often at such moments I catch myself thinking that my son and I would be better off together, but I understand that it is precisely for his sake that I have to endure everything, so thatthe child did not grow up without a father.

I constantly ask myself the same question: “why did this happen, why did my husband change so much?” Maybe when the son grows up, the husband will become interested in communicating with him, if, of course, then the son wants it.

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