Pay more attention to your parents during your lifetime

Pay more attention to your parents during your lifetime
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was touched by the author’s experiences of the story about her mother’s illness and passing. My grandmother lived in the suburbs, where her sons and their families also lived on the neighboring streets. She, in general, was quite healthy and active, ran a household, but one day she caught a bad cold and fell ill. We immediately went to visit her, and before our arrival, my aunt arrived at my grandmother’s house with her entire large family. They all seemed to come to care for the sick, but in reality they were having barbecues and picnics in the yard, making noise, and this only bothered my grandmother, who needed complete peace. In general, it seemed that my grandmother was only weak; no one even doubted that she would definitely recover, so we left so as not to be crowded.

Mom called grandma every day, but her aunt answered the phone and constantly assured her that grandma was sleeping now, she was better, but there was no point in bothering her with conversations and calls, there was someone to look after her, soEvery day my uncles and their families visit. One day I calledmy uncle’s wife and said that my grandmother was really looking forward to my mother. Mom here began to get ready, was ready to leave, but her aunt called her again and insistently demanded not to come, saying that grandma was feeling great, and the aunt herself was doing a general cleaning of the house, so she didn’t need extra people, so full of people. As it turned out later, my aunt also scolded her daughter-in-law for calling my mother.

Mom hesitated, not knowing what to do, but in the evening she decided to go. And when she got there, it turned out that the grandmother had died about an hour ago. Granny was so looking forward to the arrival of her eldest daughter and she couldn’t wait! StillMom reproaches herself because of her worries she hasheart problems . I believe that my aunt is to blame for what happened, but my mother is still tormented that she listened to her. 15 years have passed, and my mother is still in pain.

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