obsequious daughter-in-law

obsequious daughter-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At first glance, Anna Ivanovna is the most ordinary pensioner, living alone and waiting for her son’s arrival every week. However, these visits are short-lived and she is never left with grandchildren, althoughhealth still allows.

The thing is that there was only one significant person in her life. Her mother-in-law. In her youth, being from a village, she and her friend came to the city. They lived in an apartment, and that’s where she met her future husband. Peter was a couple of years older and lived next door to his mother and brothers and sisters. He was the eldest son and therefore, replacing his younger father, was the only working member of the family. When Anna and Peter got married, he immediately invited her to move. However, Anna, seeing her mother-in-law’s tears and realizing that she was depriving the family of a breadwinner, refused. To which Peter replied “later you will regret and cry, but it will be too late.”

Going to live in a househusband ,the daughter-in-law found herself in the position of a servant. After work, I cooked food for everyone, did laundry, and cleaned. She tried in every possible way to please her mother-in-law; her mother-in-law’s approval became the meaning of her life. Only the more test-antibiotic.com she tried, the more dissatisfaction she caused. Was bornson , however this only made the situation worse. After all, he was superfluous in a house where there were three minor children of his mother-in-law. Therefore, when Peter left to work in the North, his mother-in-law insisted that two-year-old Oleg be sent to a boarding school. And Anna agreed, because it’s already hard for her mother-in-law, and here she is with her child. Three years passed like this, and upon Peter’s return, Oleg was taken home. And Peter decided to build his own house; his mother-in-law persuaded him to divide the plot in half so that his son would be nearby.

Time passed, the mother-in-law died, only Anna continued to help, first to her husband’s brothers and sisters, and then to his many nephews. While depriving his own son of almost everything. After graduating from school, Oleg left to study, and after receiving an education, he returned to his hometown, but not to his parents’ house. After Peter's death, Anna gave the house to one of her husband's nephews, and she herself moved into his one-room apartment. Apart from her son, who visits once a week, no one else goes to Anna Ivanovna. And she is sincerely indignant at her daughter-in-law, who does not test-antibiotic.com try to please her.

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