Ukrainians and Russians are not enemies!

Ukrainians and Russians are not enemies!
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am a Russian-speaking Kiev resident with higher education and average income. I have never been particularly interested in politics, but the events of recent months have not left me or anyone I know indifferent. Our revolution can be viewed in different ways; not everything is perfect, of course, but that’s not what we’re talking about.

Watching Russian television yesterday, I was horrified to see what terrible tales about what is happening in Ukraine that your government, dear neighbors, are feeding you. Yes, things haven’t been very quiet here lately, but it’s not as scary as many in the near eastern countries imagine.

I am a participant in that very “terrible” Maidan. I won’t tell you how good we are and how bad everyone else is, I’ll just say: people, please check the information! You know how to use the Internet, go to different news sites, and not just those that belong to Gazprom. Some stories are downright funny, some already make you want to cry. People, do you really believe in all this? For what?

In Kyiv itself, everything is now more than calm, the new power of is working as expected. I wouldn't talk about this if I didn't live here and goevery day to work. It’s alarming in Crimea and murky in the eastern regions, but independent media will tell you more about this - I know no more than they do, because I wasn’t there. It is obvious that without the presence of Russian troops in Crimea, who support some unknown “activists” with machine guns, it would be much calmer there.

If you believe all the terrible stories, then in Ukraine there is panic and anarchy, there is a civil war, evil Banderaites are burning houses, hanging Russian-speaking people from street lamps (as an option, they are shooting on the spot), mixing drugs in food, smashing churches, blowing up shops, There are bandits on the streets, there are homeless people on the Maidan, and whoever is not homeless is a fascist and stands for the big dirty Americanmoney , hourly praying to Hitler and Obama for the fall of great Russia and the legalization of same-sex marriage. The list of insanity can be continued endlessly. But any person who is able to turn off the TV and search for a thematic video on Youtube will be able to personally get answers to all their questions. Of course, if he is really interested in the truth.

Dear neighbors, dear fraternal Russian people! Do not listen to the propaganda of your government - its interests are very different from yours. Think with your own head, analyze information received from different sources, distinguish facts from comments of paid “analysts” on both sides.

Ordinary Ukrainians and ordinary Russians have much more in common than each of us has with our own government, which is mired in corruption and considers us all obedient sheep. Now we are all on the verge of a war that neither we nor you need. War is death, these are real coffins, in which it will not be deputy sons who will be buried. Let's not hate each other just because one of the leaders overplayed computer strategies.

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