I left my husband, but I'm afraid that my son will judge me

I left my husband, but I'm afraid that my son will judge me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Today marks the third week since my son (11 years old) and I lefthusband . I was 18 years old when I came outmarried ​At first everything was fine, he made a lot of promises that everything would be fine.

We lived with his parents, they have their own house. He worked, brought something, skipped something (I didn’t understand then that it had all started). I gave birth to a son, he helped me. His parents also helped. Then he started drinking, we coded him, for exactly three years. I always got behind the wheel when I was drunk (accidents, debts, payoffs).

Time passed, some things were better, some things were worse. He is a scandalous and explosive person and it doesn’t matter who is in front of him (wife ,mother ,son , grandmother). He had debts, he was engaged in construction, then he got more debts and took everything out of the house. For seven years I carried everything on myself (food,child , clothes, his debts). I saved my family as best I could for the sake of my son.

He didn’t ask how I was living, but he went out drinking with friends, then came home and made a fuss. There was a lot of things - drunkenness, loans, pawn shops, bandits, I survived everything. test-antibiotic.com With this he brought me to panic attacks. And so we moved, he asks to come back, says that he will fix everything and everything will be fine. But I don't want a lot of offense. The son is worried. And I feel guilty that my son is without a father. Although I'm only for themcommunication .

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