She left her husband, but never found happiness

She left her husband, but never found happiness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This is my second timemarried (unofficially). The age difference is 10 years (I'm older). I love very muchhusband , and until recently everything was fine.

For the sake of this man, I broke up with my first husband, with whom I lived for 17 years and gave birth to three children. This was not a spontaneous decision, not under the influence of passion. We dated on and off for a whole year. There were a lot of doubts, fears, thoughts on both his part and mine, but we decided to do it anyway. We lived happily, we even decidedgive birth to a common child. It didn’t work out for a long time, but 1.5 years ago a miracle happened. We had a wonderful baby.

Happiness knew no bounds. My husband loves his son madly, and so do I. But six months after the birth of the child, a crack appeared in our relationship. My husband worked a lot and often stayed late. We spent less and less time together. We didn't go anywhere. I was alone with the child all the time. At first she was understanding, then she began to hint that it would be nice to go for a walk with the child or do something together! The husband replied that he understood everything, yes, would be nice, but, sorry, there is no time.

Then I began to notice thatThe husband comes home looking somewhat inadequate. I began to suspect him of using drugs. I started asking questions, this irritated him, he tried to prove to me that he didn’t use anything, and it all ended in a scandal. We have been living in this hell for a year now. Recently, he finally admitted to me (when I had already pinned him against the wall) that he used psychotropic drugs, but had already quit. I believed it. She threatened to break up if it happened again. He swore that it was all over. And for several days he really was the same as before. Kind, loving, caring.

But recently he came again with glassy eyes. I packed his things, he left, but throughout the week he comesevery day under different pretexts. I forgot something, then I forgot to see my son, then I forgot to talk. He apologizes and asks to give him another chance, but I don’t believe he’s done. She offered to see a narcologist, but he refused. I really want tobring it back and live as before. After all, everything was fine. What happened to him, why did he start using it? I didn’t cut it, I can’t stand it. I can do a lotforgive . Moreover, I still love him very much. Faithful, not a wanderer, I try to keep up with everything around the house, with the child, and take care of myself. I cook delicious food and don’t ask for money.

What's wrong? I asked him these questions. I thought maybe I had messed up somewhere, maybe I was doing something wrong, or maybeWhat problems does he have? But no. He himself does not know why he uses, and what prompted him to do it. It's like I'm in some kind of swamp. I don't see a way out. Hands are already giving up. I don’t know whether it’s worth fighting to save the family, love, or persistently send him to hell, get over the disease and move on? Time cures.

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