I'm tired of my husband's constant quarrels with my mother

I'm tired of my husband's constant quarrels with my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Myhusband and mineMom quarrels all the time. My husband and I live with her in our apartment.

The husband is a very economical and practical person, stingy, picky, loves to criticize others, especially when he drinks. He drinks a lot several times a month and every time we have a scandal. He comes and begins to teach me and then my mother that we cook wrong, we clean wrong, that without him we would be completely lost, that my mother is lazy and deceives him, hides him from him.money .

In fact, mom doesn’t hide any money, of course. On the contrary, at the very beginning of my marriage, I accidentally found a stash fromhusband , there was a scandal, but I forgave him, nothing like this has happened yet. Mom is not an ideal housewife, but not as much as her husband sees it. She cooks and cleans the house alone, I rarely help, I am seriously ill, I almost feel badEvery day , well, at least I somehow crawl to work.

Mom is outraged that her husband makes comments to her in her own home, takes offense at him, and cries. But she is against us test-antibiotic.com moving. Because of my illness, she strives to constantly patronize and control me, which irritates both me and my husband. It is impossible to calm her down. She doesn’t make compromises; she destroys all her husband’s ideas. He is doing repairs with us, and it bothers him. People are already laughing at me for being a “mama’s girl.” It’s also impossible to force him to stop drinking and making trouble, he won’t listen. Maybe, under my pressure, he will apologize to his mother for being rude while drunk.

They quarrel, argue over little things for the sake of principle, they reproach me for each other. I want to run away from them already. I don’t want to offend my husband, but it’s also not a good idea to offend my mother. If we move away from my mother, I will break her heart. I am alonechild in the family, grew up without a father, my mother had no other men. She is often frivolous, but honest and kind. The husband is stupid and stubborn in places, but he’s also not bad, if it weren’t for the occasional drink. Tired of resolving conflicts. What should I do?

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