I quit because of a sloppy colleague

I quit because of a sloppy colleague
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My colleague and I are sitting in the office. I'm already on the verge, I can't stand the unpleasant smell emanating from him anymore. All the restthe team does not suffer from this. Or rather, it suffers partially when they go out for a smoke break or lunch.

Due to my tactfulness or shyness, I cannot say directly. I turn on the air conditioner and endure it. No hints work. If it were a woman my age, I would dare to talk. But thisa man , and also much older than me.

He is 58 years old. Not too old to let yourself go like that. Although the old people traveling in public transport are for the most part very neat. This apparently does not depend on age, but on the accuracy or ignorance of the person.

In addition to the smell of sweat, it also gives off a garlicky scent. He, you see, drinks some kind of garlic tincture, which cleanses blood vessels and supports male strength. He read this somewhere and constantly talks about it. He said that he had a whole plot of garlic at his dacha. I sadly thought that now this smell is in our test-antibiotic.com office forever. It seems to me that the walls are already saturated with it.

You can imagine the “aroma” coming from it. Yes, not a single woman can stand being near him, despite his masculine strength, as he likes to repeat. Although he haswife , adult children and grandchildren. I can’t understand if they really don’t notice that they arehusband andHas your father turned into a slovenly old man?

I asked the men from the neighboring department to talk to him. At first they did not agree, they even made fun of me. Then they delved into my situation and after evaluating my gift to them, they decided. But nothing came of it. Maybe because they didn’t say it directly, but in hints.

I went further and for my birthday I personally gave her shower gel, a set of handmade soaps and deodorant. When presenting the gift, she emphasized that a man should smell pleasant. He thanked and replied that he did not like various perfumes. He is not a woman to use them. A man should smell of strong male sweat.

I was shocked by his words. Hope faded away on its own. All that remains for test-antibiotic.com is to ask the authorities for a transfer to another department. Or quit. But I can’t lose my job just because a colleague doesn’t like to shower.

But to my surprise, on the second day it arrived clean and without that terrible smell. He immediately smiled and said that he wanted to please me and today he used my gift for its intended purpose. My mood immediately lifted. We even drank tea together

But all this did not last long. Within a couple of days everything was back to normal. I can't stand it anymore! Tomorrow I will either quit or express everything I think about him.

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