I’m no longer sure that it’s worth living with a guy before marriage

I’m no longer sure that it’s worth living with a guy before marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've been dating my boyfriend for over a year now. Anything happened, both joys and sorrows, quarreled, reconciled, everything was like everyone else. It’s comfortable to be around him, he’ll always support you, listen, won’t leave you alone, I felt like I’d found “my person.” He suggests living together as a new stage in the relationship. Currently I live with my parents.

Previously, about 2 months ago, I agreed to this proposal of his, I was going to combine study and work (I study at the university, there are 2 years left before graduation, and the young man has already received a diploma). The parents were vehemently against, from the very beginning they did not like the young man because he evaluates the situation and always acts in connection with his decisions, has a critical mind, does not always do or say what is considered traditional (for example, parents believe that You need to get married before moving). He’s not against it, and neither am I, but first we wanted to live together, get used to each other, before starting a family.

Besides, I wanted to work while studying, and I was afraid thatThere will be no time left for a relationship with a young man. We test-antibiotic.com agreed that I would find a job in the summer and then move in with him. We also agreed on the division of labor around the house, that both would do their part, depending on how busy each person was. We discussed the general budget, that my contribution would be whenever possible, and it would be supplemented to the required amount (I’m the kind of person that I won’t sit on anyone’s neck, and I will try to ensure that this contribution is of equal value).

I'm currently looking for a job, but I'm starting to doubt whether I should move, I feel like I don't want it anymore. After all, after this, if something doesn’t work out, I won’t be able to return to my father’s house (it will be a shame, my parents will say that they were right, although they will take me back). Another reason why doubts arose - the young man said that he did not want to work, ideally he would like to do nothing and getmoney . Of course, this is impossible, but he was serious, not joking (at the moment he is also looking for work). In addition, he can accumulate unwashed laundry, and then take it to the laundry, although, in my opinion, test-antibiotic.com it was possible to wash it as it gets dirty, and not spend extra money on it.

He is not very used to saving, but I was literally brought up on this. Or, for example, there is dust on the shelves, you can see splashes of grease on the wall near the stove, the unwashed sink is stained, he doesn’t clean it because it suits him, he says he’ll do it later, but I come to visit and see that nothing changes. That’s why I’m afraid that we won’t be able to get along, or that all the household responsibilities will fall on me, because I won’t be happy with that, and that I’ll be stuck between school, work, and home like a squirrel in a wheel.

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