What's my mistake?

What's my mistake?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have this situation: I need your advice. I never thought that I would write on websites and post my personal story, but I had to.

My husband and I have been together for 2 years, while we live with my parents, we have a child,daughter , she is 2 years old. Ever since our wedding we have been arguing and quarreling. My husband can say all sorts of rude and offensive words to me, as if I constantly pester him, ask him the wrong things or ask stupid questions.

Maybe he has another woman? Although he is always at home after work and goes for walks with his daughter, he somehow doesn’t have a very good attitude towards meattitude . Because of all these quarrels and plus renovations, we are moving to a separate apartment, he is constantly insolent, rude, and you can’t really ask anything. But I don’t want the child to see our screams, because I won’t let myself be offended either.

Having become an involuntary witness to our quarrel over a trifle, his friend says that when we move away from our parents, everything will work out.

And also minemy husband drinks often - he really loves itbeer _ Now test-antibiotic.comevery day during repairs, when I say not to drink so often, he replies that he is very tired and needs to relax. He doesn't understand that this can develop into an addiction, and myMom says that this addiction is strong.

Tell me what to do. Maybe I’m really doing something wrong, I’m a simple person, I can’t be offended for a long time, although sometimes I’d like to teach a lessonhusband .

I don’t really want sex anymore, after quarrels there is some kind of resentment, I don’t know, but the feeling is not good. Sometimes it seems to me that I love him, and sometimes I don’t, I always meet him from work, iron his shirts, everything in the house is always clean, the child is watered and fed.

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