What is the meaning of our life?

What is the meaning of our life?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Seemingly eternalquestion , but let's speculate to find the truth or at least the beginning of a thread to this.

For example, a person is born to the one who gave birth to him, then he also gives birth to the one who gives birth again, and so on until the apocalypse. And so as not to be bored, like beetles, people came up with a dream into an ideallove and family. I like it.

But why do people, I wonder, conquer territories and exterminate each other? Where did this desire come from? Plus they choose a leader, separate into large separate communities, since the Stone Age. Since this has been going on since ancient times, maybe it is still a desire of the primitive brain? Is it possible to think of peaceful goals of unification, peace to the world, and no borders?

Because of these wars, I have a question: “Are we really such intelligent beings, if all this remains in our age, like civilization? We do not preserve the gifts of nature, but destroy it, and each other too. It gets to the point of absurdity. I lived, for example, in one country, the state protects its territory, the youth in the test-antibiotic.com army are taught to destroy enemies. What enemies, people? Myself?

The borders are open and we fly back and forth, sometimes they decidegive birth in another country. It’s as if you can come from another tribe and live in another, but expand the borders because the leader wants it that way? You don’t want this, you don’t care how or where some territory has expanded. If only it was beautiful, satisfying, and warm. Are important to youhuman relations between people, so that there are no these primitive wars that you don’t need if you are an adequate and mentally balanced person.

It turns out that? Are those who divide territory and create wars healthy? Who creates them? For what? For what purpose? Isn't it time to cancel this stupid goal that no one needs? Why do we need nuclear weapons? To me, this is wrong! Create a weapon to destroy everything around you.

Why not create one to save the planet? Not destroy, teach descendants how not to preserve and improve in this? Strengthen and dolife happy, support each other, love each other not in books and movies? Live, just live, and don’t bother test-antibiotic.com!

It's boiling, but it'sconfession _

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