I chose the wrong guy for my husband

I chose the wrong guy for my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Our family is intelligent. Mom has a medical education, dad has a technical education. From early childhood, I believed that I could understand people, even intuitively, looking into a person’s eyes. But in reality it turned out to be completely different.

I was graduatinguniversity and was wondering what to do next. I decided where to live, how to live, where to work. Being in a relationship with a young man who studied with me, I wanted us to live together and get married in the near future. But the situation did not work out in my favor. I would even say that a tragedy happened in my life.

Because oldthe relationship , in my opinion, was leading nowhere, and the young man was not ready to start a family. I met a twenty-eight-year-old guy. Having found common similarities in character in the behavior of two young people, I made a choice in favor of a new one. I thought that he was mature and determined in life. What is important to himfamily Children. He disappeared all day at work, and I knew that we would not be in financial distress test-antibiotic.com.

I leftgot married , and after some time became pregnant. And here the fairy tale ends. MyThe husband started drinking and became a freelancer. Due to lack of funds, I got a job. My belly was so unnoticeable that my employer had no suspicions about my situation. So, pregnant, I worked all day, rode standing in a crowded subway, and actively ran up the stairs. The main thing for me was to hide mypregnancy and work as long as possible.

When my husband found out that I was hired, he became furious. He was absolutely sure that I would not be accepted, and I would return home with nothing. We argued for two weeks. But graduallyThe baby’s health came to the fore, and I stopped taking his insults to heart. I still can’t understand why he was so offended by my going to work. Although, I suspect that he wanted to leave me without any means of independent existence. After all, this is a guarantee that I won’t go anywhere.

After three months of work, my husband began to actively extract money from me.money . At first, test-antibiotic.com argued its requests with the fact that right now such an amount was urgently needed and in general it was borrowing money. I'm loyal and lovingthe wife transferred the amount, just so that there would be peace in the house. As a result, I had no money left, and scandals and discontent fromhusband .

When my brain began to work, I packed my things and applied fordivorce . To my telephone message, he only replied: “Well, go ahead. I never needed you, there was no help or support from you. And I didn’t see happiness with you.”

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