I kicked my husband out and don’t know what to do next.

I kicked my husband out and don’t know what to do next.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’ve never written on forums, but this is a cry from the heart. I'll start in order. We have known each other since childhood, lived in neighboring yards, studied at the same school. I haveThe family is not very rich, dad drank. At that time, and this was the 90s, everything was fine with him. His parents are divorcedHis mom is against me. They started living together in 11th grade (his dad gave him an apartment when he came of age). He always supported me, forced me to study, and worked three jobs himself.

While I was studying, he was working, everything was fine. We got married. Married for 13 years. I received a diploma (he dropped out of his institute), and I have a good job, a high salary, but my family has been bursting at the seams for seven years now. I earn morehusband twice. He started drinkingevery day 1.5-3 liters of beer . During quarrels, he said that he taught me, and I owe him everything. I forgave him for his drinking and laziness. As soon as I got a promotion, he stopped striving for anything at all, he sold the business, he works on test-antibiotic.com for little things. We have quarrels more and more often.

We don’t have children; doctors diagnose male factor infertility. I’m planning eco, but he doesn’t seem to need it. He complains to his friends about how unhappy he is, that he doesn’t have children, but he doesn’t stop drinking. I feel like a man in a skirt. I work two jobs, pay utilities, savemoney for all major purchases, solving all financial issues, organizing vacations. I ask him to drink, lose weight, go to the gym together, he has one answer: “I can’t, I’m working.” And I find it all the time.

And here is the last straw. I visited a fertility specialist, he said that the spermogram was bad and that IVF might not work. I came home crying, we talked for a long time, I asked him not to drink anymore, it seemed to me that we heard each other. The next day he called in the evening and said that he was staying overnight at the dacha. “Why?” I asked him. He replied that we needed a break from each other. As a result, there was a party with friends. During the day, calls, test-antibiotic.com SMS that everything is fine, nothing special happened. In the evening I packed his things, angrily told him that he was the main mistake in my life and kicked him out of the house. He asked for forgiveness, but I didn’t accept it out of resentment. I cooled down a little, I called him, and he went to the dacha again! Now I'm sitting here crying. Whether out of resentment or feeling guilty, I don’t know.

So what's now? There was a time when I started drinking with him, but then I stopped. I can’t do this, I want children, a husband who would feel sorry for me like a little girl. I am already 35 years old. Everyone considers him ideal and caring. He will cook breakfast, clean the apartment, and give flowers for no reason. And for me2 liters of beer a day cancels all this out. My soul is empty, I don’t know what to do.

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