I'm getting married without love

I'm getting married without love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 33 years old. Cute, sweetheartyoung woman . She was not married . I dated a man for 5 years whom I loved very much and wanted for him.married ​He did not refuse marriage, but he did not make proposals or take decisive steps in this direction. So 5 years passed, waiting for an offer to start a family. Without waiting and seeing that mymy beloved does not strive for this, I started looking for another man. The one who will love me and invite me to marry.

Soon sucha man appeared in my life. He is the complete opposite of the first. He loves me, cares, supports and helps me in everything. He is also successful, earns good money and is not greedy, he has golden hands, he knows how to do everything. Handsome, everything is with him. Was not married, no children. Intellectually, I understand that he will be a good husband, that I will be behind him, like behind a stone wall, and will not need anything. What is best for a woman whenher husband loves her more than she loves her.

But I love someone else, whom I dated for 5 years. He tries in every possible way to mereturn test-antibiotic.com and propose marriage. I no longer have trust in him; he has deceived me many times in the past. I somehow don’t believe that people change. I'm afraid to believe him and make a mistake. In a month I’m getting married to someone else, but I’m scared, what if I don’t love him, how I’ll live with him, I apologize, go to bed, it’s unpleasant to even think about.

Contrary to common sense, I want to return to the first man and livelife with him. But just, will this be right and will I regret my choice in the future? I now have a choice: a good and worthy man, but not loved, or loved, but unreliable.

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