Fell in love with two

Fell in love with two
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


In the first year of university I met Sasha. Very humble, kind, charmingguy . He looked at me with the eyes of a devoted puppy and patiently waited and hoped for reciprocity. Satisfied with only casual communication. But then I was madly in love with a guy from the stream. All thoughts were occupied only by him. And she flirted with Sasha merrily during the breaks between couples, constantly looking out from behind his back the object of her girlish dreams.

His name was Pasha. He was beautiful and impregnable, like a wall. Later we began to communicate closely, spend a lot of time together. But there was no talk of a serious relationship. I patiently waited for three years. She cried into her pillow at night, jumped up at every phone call and believed that someday he would wake up and understand what a treasure was next to him, and we would live happily ever after.

I think many girls have gone through this at a young age. But the miracle didn't happen. I have matured, and the values ​​in life began to change. All this time, Sasha was there. He called me in the evenings, did coursework for me. Sometimes we walked, but the test-antibiotic.com relationship was out of the question. I got used to it as if it were my own. I have never met a more kind and devoted person in my life to this day. And I made a decision and took a step forward. We have startednovel .

For all the time of the relationship, I have never experienced that trembling in cotton legs, the burning look, the excitement inherent in all lovers. He felt good, comfortable, warm. He carried me in his arms and was grateful for every hour spent together. I also want to add that he is very hardworking, smart and decent. After graduating from the institute, he abruptly went uphill and never once looked at another girl.

My friends were jealous, I was happy, and we were preparing for the wedding. This is from the side. But there was a constant feeling in my heart that something was missing. I couldn't imagine my life without him. He was the dearest and closest person. But I wanted a storm of emotions, experiences. Everyone said that I was mad with fat. Maybe so, but you learn from your mistakes.

I moved to another job. When I first entered the test-antibiotic.com office for an interview, the first thing I saw was the eyes of my future boss. He was a year older than me and outwardly did not at all resemble the ideal of my man. But those eyes...

Two days later he invited me on a date. And away we go. I hid from him that I was not free. Deeply in love. At that time, I already lived with Sasha, but we were not married.

Kostya courted beautifully, said such compliments, looked like that. I couldn't resist. I didn’t explain anything to Sasha, I just said that we need to live separately, to understand ourselves. I did not completely break off relations with him, I hid from him that I have another.

With Kostya, everything went pretty smoothly. We were head over heels in love with each other. He wanted a family, children. Something was holding me. I began to see more and more shortcomings in him, and I wanted to drop everything and run back to my Sasha. But he had a death grip on me. This is how my life proceeded “on two fronts”. To whom this happened, they will understand me. test-antibiotic.com Phone on silent mode, constant walks with friends, delayed at work.

Both of them suspected something. Both insisted on living together and both were always very busy, so I had time for my girlfriends as well. You ask how it all ended? But nothing, and I have been living for two years.

Time goes by, I have to decide, but I can't. The spirit is not enough to say alone. And which one of them? It also needs to be decided. I am still in love with Kostya. I'm interested in him. He attracts me likea man in the physical plane, but he is an incorrigible womanizer and can evaporate at any moment. And Sasha is a man for life. Behind him, like behind a stone wall. But very often it gets boring.

Tired of constant lies, of constant fear that everything will be revealed. Maybe someone will not understand me and condemn me, but someone will draw the right conclusions and will not repeat my mistake. Where I went wrong is up to you.


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