Fell in love with my sister's husband

Fell in love with my sister's husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm one of those people wholife says that true love does not exist. But everything happens for the first time. I only happened to fall in love with a man when I was 37 years old. And, to be honest, it would be better if I never knew what a realLove .

The object of my love ismy younger sister's husband . My sister is 24 years old and he is 29 years old. It was like I was shocked when I saw him. In order not to reveal my excitement, I was increasingly silent at family meetings. I also try to keep my mouth shut so as not to accidentally say something and thereby give myself away. I thought that this condition would pass with time, but no, the feelings only grew.

It's been really bad lately. I got to the point where I follow him through social networks. Well, what do I need this for? If it weren’t for my sister’s husband, I would have done everything to take this man away, but I won’t do that to my sister. Does anyone know how to get rid of love fever? I am already physically ill from this condition, I cannot concentrate on anything, I cannot think normally, I cannot live normally. Already all exhausted and without strength.

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