Fell in love with my daughter's classmate

Fell in love with my daughter's classmate
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I guess I just want to find somethingunderstanding , support. Because I don't know what I'm going to do next.

Honestly, I didn't want to change anything for the past year, that's all. I can't tell my close friends about this, and it's clear why. The problem is obvious - I recently turned 40, and he's not even 20 yet. When I used to hear stories like "somehow everything started and worked out unexpectedly", I didn't understand. But that's exactly how it happened for me.

He is a former classmate of my daughter. We crossed paths last winter, when they were already in their eleventh year of graduation. How it happened, why he was drawn to me, what happened to me, I can’t say. Of course, nothing reprehensible happened, he was already 18. Most likely, he may have even hadthe girl before me, I somehow never brought this topic up. But it's a formality. And the fact remains a fact. We don't have an age difference, but an abyss.

He is, of course, a very good person. Smart.guy , cultured, test-antibiotic.com is currently studying well at a good university. And so, it turns out, he got stuck with me. I can't help myself. I simply feel too good with him. It's not just about bed. We have a common language. We can really talk about different topics, in a calm environment, hugging. I've never had anything like this in my life. To be so cozy is the most accurate definition.

And the most disgusting feeling I experienced at the same time was when, already being in a relationship with him, I sat practically next to his parents at the graduation and smiled at them.

What should I do? Objectively, it seems to me that sooner or later I will ruin it for himlife . And, of course, one day everything will come to light, and how then to look into the eyes of his parents, for example? I can well put myself in their place. AndHow will my daughter look at me? Will she say that sheMother went crazy.

Let him go? I'm so deep in him. And he doesn't want to let me go. I've never had such strong feelings and desires. I don't test-antibiotic.com know now what the end of my life story will be.

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