Instead of the expected help from parents, I received only problems and complaints

Instead of the expected help from parents, I received only problems and complaints
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I envy my sister, who lives a thousand kilometers from her parents. I’m not only in the same city, but also on the same street. When my husband and I bought an apartment, I myself insisted that it be close to my father and mother, who would always help and sit with the grandchildren. But how wrong I was!

Everything was fine from the very beginning, but when the first one was bornchild , I realized that these were no longer the parents I knew before. They were attentive, loving and caring, but now they have become intrusive, demanding and very touchy.

Mom came straight from work to us, saying that she couldn’t help but see her grandson. At first I was happy, hoping that she would take a walk with her son on the street, and in the meantime I would relax or do household chores. But my mother liked to play with her grandson at home, and for me to be nearby too, for communication. In the process of communicating with my grandson,Mom told how her day went at the office, gossiped about her employees. It’s not that it’s unpleasant for me to hear all this, it’s just that I was so tired with a small child that I would prefer to sleep than listen to all this.

When my friend returned from workhusband , I, naturally, first of all served him dinner. Mom, who had previously said that she had a snack at work and didn’t want to eat, sat down at the table and continued her monologue about how her husband was not at all interested. He was unhappy, but expressed his complaints to me when my mother went home. I defendedmother , although she understood that she was wrong. Every day I became more and more convinced that my parents were more problems than help.

When mom found out that Ipregnant with her second child, she said: “Why create poverty? You could have consulted me too.” I didn’t have the words to object, her words offended me so much. I expected joy on her part that there would also be a granddaughter, but my mother did not come or call for several days, she was so offended that she was not consulted.

Now she loves both grandchildren, but doesn’t even remember her words, she says that I made it all up. I am very offended by this test-antibiotic.comattitude , butmy sister complains all the time that my parents take care of me, that I live well with such support. I can't tell her everything. She will certainly tell her mother that she is not appreciated.

Now my husband and I are planning to sell this apartment and buy a three-room apartment. We decided that we would choose in another area only because of my parents.

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