Instead of providing for the family, the husband gives money to his mother

Instead of providing for the family, the husband gives money to his mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am very tired, I had a fight with my husband, I left and am living with my child at my parents’.

From the very beginning of our relationship, everyone and their dog interfered with us. And he allowed it himselfhusband . But he wants to prove to me that no one has ever interfered with us and that I am the bad one. I don’t think so, I personally heard him repeat the words of his mother or someone else.

When they came to propose to me, they promised that they would separate us and buy an apartment. Of course, I was stupid to believe this fairy tale. But the years went by, and my husband gave every income to the common fund of his mother and two brothers that he has.

After some time I realized that it was a lie, and we were just working for his family. I also worked before maternity leave, and when I wanted to buy something, my husband told me to buy it with my own moneymoney , since he pays for housing and that we need to save and gave the bulk of the money to his mother.

When I came to visit them, I noticed how everything at home was transformed, how they quietly bought new clothes, etc. Naturally, this offended me, why should I provide for myself, while my husband will work for his brothers and parents.

I was indignant and left, now I suggested to my husband to separate financially and start living from scratch, otherwise there is another way out. But I, like everyone else, really want to savemarriage for the sake of our child, although sometimes I get very irritated and am ready to sign a divorce application. My husband wants us with the childreturn , but at the same time does not want to change anything.

Tell me, who was in such a situation? Is it possible to separate and break away from your mother-in-law, she has already sucked out all your money and nerves. I have never met a more vile person.

I don't want to losehusband , for the sake of this sly and cunning lady. She loves money , like all people. Her husband does not work and is very lazy, and she likes to ask her sons for money and they give it to her without any problems, confirming with words that it is theirsprecious mother .

I have nothing against, to help parents, but when your husband does not provide for you at all - this is already impudence. He gives money at a minimum, and the rest I have to take where I want. This injustice hurts terribly. And his mother is evil and envious and generally does not like me and through her son is plotting against me. I don't know, maybe I should go to a fortune teller, to get protection?

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