Memories from my childhood

Memories from my childhood
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story here about how a woman lives with her tyrant husband for the sake of the children, and I want to say that thinking that it’s better for the children, you are doing exactly the opposite. It is better for children when they can develop calmly, and not when they sit intimidated and are afraid to go to the toilet one more time. I can’t wrap my head around how an adult could write something like this. My situation is indirect. My nativefather is a good person whenmy mother divorced him when I was still very young. And I grew up with my stepfather. He's not a drunkard, but he's still an asshole. I often got into trouble for minor offenses. Sometimes it was very cruel; he would never do that to his own children. His mother sometimes, somehow without enthusiasm, indulged him - that was the most offensive thing.

He himself is a fan of making a big deal out ofMolehills and show who's boss. When I became a teenager, this started to tear me apartattitude . It was torn because my hands were tied. I couldn't do that to my mother. But one day I ended up at the police station - this was the second time - for a minor violation, nothing for which they would even get a suspended sentence, or even a fine. The staff asked me what would I have at home? I said I don't know, but if thisIf my body wants to scratch its hands against me again, I’ll smash its entire face.

He blurted it out, of course, without thinking, but immediately went down to the fact that he received it a couple of times for the case, they say, for a reason, but as it happens to everyone. In short, after long conversations, they called my parents, told me where I was and why, and purely for mockery they added at the end that I told them that if my stepfather touched me, I would hit him back. So these police tactics turned everything upside down. I spent the night in a cell, in the morning I was assigned a little community service and I went home. He was all on edge, he was ready to just crush him to the floor, he didn’t care about anything, his patience was exhausted.

I came home, went into the kitchen where they were sitting, absolutely confidently, letting know with their appearance that the old method would not work. But everything changed suddenly. Instead of hysterics out of the blue, it all ended in a calm conversation without a hint of threats. And not once did he try to let go of his hands. As I got a little older, I simply stopped living with them. I love my mother, but I don’t want to spend the night with this person in the same house. So, occasionally I go to a party and stretch out a smile through my teeth - this despite the fact that I am now 22 years old. And if anyone asks if I had a happy childhood, I will never answer yes.

I was brought up and formed as a person on the street. I learned everything on the street. Through trial and sometimes very serious errors. And all because I just didn’t want to go home. My father perfectly understands the root of all my actions and can give clear life advice, but at home, I was simply punished for my misdeeds, always remembering old misdeeds. I was shackled by reproaches, they say, I’m not grateful, you have this and that, and you... My own father would never have said this, because I was not so guilty. In my head I constantly argued with myself that I am not from a rich family, but not from a poor one either, and not everyone has what I have, maybe I really am that ungrateful. And I came to the firm conclusion that not onechild of suchdoesn't deserve a relationship . All my friends never had this in their family, I sometimes envied them.

I opened up here so that you understand that in the future you may not expect gratitude from children for such “it’s better in a complete family.” There are no good memories from pain and insults. The family should havelove , if there is no love, then there is no family. “In order to save the family” is the most dubious argument today. You fill your head with illusions, trying to calm yourself down, and you hope for something all the time, but nothing good will happen to you until you simply say: “NO” when he once again comes to ask for forgiveness. You have two ways: live in resentment and endure beatings and humiliation, or simply live calmly as a human being.

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