That's what my pity led to

That's what my pity led to
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have one son. A few years ago he got married and tried to live separately. They rented an apartment with my wife, and my husband and I lived for ourselves. Young people didn't bother us much, sorelations developed very even nothing.

But everything changed with the birth of twins from my son and his wife. We, as grandparents, were immensely happy. As long as they continued to live separately, everything was wonderful.

I often went to visit them. I tried my best to help with my grandchildren. The daughter-in-law gratefully accepted myhelp . I, in turn, was happy with everything, because I knew that now I would return home and rest. Still, it's very good when there is the possibility of a separate residence.

But my joy was short-lived. Due tothe daughter-in-law went on maternity leave, the son became the sole breadwinner of their large family. And two children, you know, it's very hard, both mentally and physically. And even more so - financially.

Since my son is a young specialist, he has not yet had time to make a career, his earnings are slightly above average. This money is quite enough for a young family without children. But when there are two kids, and evenapartment is rented, then such earnings for a normal life, of course, will not be enough.

After a couple of months of their torment, my husband and I offered to move the children and grandchildren to us. They breathed a sigh of relief. Our apartment is large, four rooms. In one we are with my grandfather. The second was given for the son and wife. In the third they made a nursery. The latter remained as a living room, in which we like to gather together in the evenings.

So we lived until another resident was added to us. One fine day, the daughter-in-law asked permission to live for a couple of days with her sister in the living room. I was not very happy about this prospect. More precisely, she was not happy at all, but nevertheless agreed.

I was told such a story that I just felt sorry for the girl. But they say the truth - "do not do good, you will not get evil." Now I have tested it myself.

Not only thatthe sister turned out to be an obstinate, so she also returned home after midnight. She began to knock and stomp around the apartment, thus preventing her from resting. I understand that she is young and her blood boils, but this is herproblems . Why do I have to endure all this in my old age?

I tried to talk to my daughter-in-law, but she very pitifully asks not to kick her out. She has nowhere else to go, you see. Their parents live in a provincial town, and their sister just got a new job.

I understand. But who will understand me? If she's in that position, then why isn't she behaving normally! She does not worry at all about what gives strangers such discomfort. What kind of upbringing?

She and her daughter-in-law are complete opposites. Such different people that you will never even think about their relationship if you do not know about it.

And now I sit in the evenings and think, what should I do? Hurt the daughter-in-law and ask her sister to move out? Moreover, initially the conversation was about a couple of days. Or continue to endure, so as not to spoil relations in the family?

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