It's all about my character

It's all about my character
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm not a perfect person, no, but I always strive for it. The guy calls me a grump who has everything wrong. I can easily do it for himremark or express your displeasure, even over the most ordinary trifle. Everything should be my way and nothing else. At home I become a real tyrant, the first thing that suffers from this is myMom , I can be rude to her, yell at her, although in my heart I reproach myself for this, I am incredibly ashamed and every time I promise not to behave like that again. I just can’t cope with my character, although at work I am a diligent worker, non-conflict, patient and never rude to anyone, I accept criticism silently and draw conclusions, with friends I am a cheerful, perky person, but not at home. At home I become a completely different person.

It all started literally from the moment I hadthe guy and I tried to hide everything from my mother, not to talk to her about him, citing the fact that she could get into our comfort at any moment. And as such, she and I were never friends; I would rather say that I respected and feared her. I became nervous, don’t talk to me in the morning, I’ll be angry, don’t touch me in the evening, otherwise I’m already unhappy. Mine also added heat to the stovefather whom I hate because he is everythinglife mocked my mother, offended her, covered her with obscenities, beat her. When we argue with him, the whole house hears it and it always ends in tears and slamming the door.

I tripled my job and then everything became even more difficult. After working eight hours, I came home and then it began, I poured out all the negative energy on my mother. Although damn it, I didn’t want this, it just happens, you try not to get angry, but everything irritates you. And she loves me, she tries for me. In general, I’m not a bad person, I’m kind, I support, I empathize, if I decide to buy something, I always go with my mother and advise her, she boldly trusts my choice and taste, but my character, I hate it. Sometimes I think maybe it’s because my mother constantly makes comments to me, even about any little thing, my father always yells, and I absorb everything bad like a sponge. After all, this is the behavior pattern of our terrible family. Now my character has become even more complex, I try to isolate myself from them, and if I have a free minute, I lock myself in the room so that I can be alone for a little while.

The only way to get closer to your parents is to move away from them and live your own life, and come to visit them to help. I hope that this will happen soon, because I don’t want to hurt my mother, because I love her madly.

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