I want a better life for my son

I want a better life for my son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My son is 14 years old. It's time to think about your future profession. Today the younger generation has a huge number of opportunities, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice. The guy is growing smart, his grades at school are good, and the teachers don’t complain. He plays sports and has won school Olympiads in chemistry and mathematics more than once. Knows English well, even watches films without translation. But he still can’t decide what to be: he wanted to become a children’s doctor, an investigator, or a physical education teacher.

Unfortunately, neither I norour wife cannot boast of large salaries or a dizzying career. Just as I came after the army, Ilife and serve in the police. I like my job, although it’s not for everyone, and it doesn’t bring in a lot of money. My wife also chose a specialty she liked and works as a primary school teacher at school. It’s clear that we live quite modestly; we spend our holidays at domestic resorts or in the village with our parents.

I'm not ashamed that ourthe family cannot boast of expensive foreign cars, a luxury country cottage or holidays in foreign winter resorts. test-antibiotic.com My wife and I love our work, we are respectedcolleagues . But I still wish my son a more successful life. I wish he didn't have to deny himself an extra pair of shoes or buy items on sale in order to save something for the same vacation.

So I turn to the forum members for advice - whatThe profession today is the most lucrative. Which university should I choose for my son so that he can adequately provide for himself and his family in the future?

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