I want to find my love, but girls don't pay attention to me

I want to find my love, but girls don't pay attention to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been tormented by one problem for a very long time, the solution to which I would like to find here. This problem -loneliness , and more specifically, some kind of incomprehensible to me, my complete unpopularity with girls.

I’m 23 years old, I’m finishing my master’s degree in IT, I have a not particularly lucrative, but quite good job that I like, and my physical characteristics are quite good. As they say, everything seems to be there, except for one thing - a loving soul mate. Honestly, sometimes I want to cry because it doesn’t work out.

During my school days, I was completely focused on studying. Every day I studied something interesting (andthis habit has remained to this day), when everyone else was walking, falling in love, etc. My infrequent timid attempts to somehow join in all this were met with ridicule. Well, then I was little, I was a little sad, then I went about my business and believed that further, as a student, my personalI’ll arrange my life too.

In my first year, I even burned out on something, I felt what it was like to like someone, to receive and send SMS with good morning wishes. Even though she eventually left me, I still remember that time test-antibiotic.com with warmth (yes, I’ve also learned not to invent castles in the air for myself).

Then there were some strange thingsrelationships that never lasted longer than 2 months, all the timegirls played with melove , and then they threw me out into the cold under various pretexts: either she fell in love with someone else, or she loved someone else, or she couldn’t bear to love me. Moreover, he never had time to appear in discreditable relationships, quarrels and other similar situations.

Now it has reached a new level -communication no longer than a couple of days. They answer somehow reluctantly, all desire to strain disappears. A no less interesting situation arises from friendly “let’s introduce you to so-and-so.” It just doesn't go further than talking. I don't blame anyone for this.

What I have now is low self-esteem. I think everyone knows how hard it is to realize that you cannot find a mate. And also when relatives constantly say that it’s time to “get” someone for yourself. And I don’t care at all about the fact that I want it for love, and not because I need to move into an apartment. There is also some envy. test-antibiotic.com On the one hand, it’s good, even great, that at 23 I’m not yet tied hand and foot by family troubles, but on the other hand, when you hear someone say that they have a little disagreement with their other half in their views , I think: “And I evenThere’s no one to argue with.” Or how they meet for 2-3 years, for me it’s already been six months - a pipe dream. And a very large number of couples on a summer evening

Often there is an exacerbation of loneliness and uselessness. I want to understand these things: do all relationships really begin from bed, that is, until you sleep, you don’t get a relationship? If so, then it’s practically useless for me to rock the boat. So what, sincere feelings are not needed now? It’s just that no matter how much you showed them, the result was the same - ignore. And also, I want to know if it’s true thatBefore a serious relationship does a guy have to “walk around”? That is, try more girls. Everyone unanimously repeats that you must, then you will regret it. But I don’t have the desire to go for a walk, and it’s unlikely that I will. And the last thing: is it my desire to want a test-antibiotic.com relationship? Maybe I don’t really want them myself, I just succumbed to the opinion of the majority?

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