I want to, but I can’t trust my husband

I want to, but I can’t trust my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been living in South Korea for many years. Three years ago I met a man (local South Korean) and after six months of dating we got married and recently became parents.

At first, of course, there were disagreements, as the difference in upbringing, mentality and language affected. Over time, everything got better, we always had trustrelationship . But a couple of months ago he left for work, forgetting his phone at home. At some point, something clicked for me, and I got into his phone (it was embarrassing). There I found a chat with a woman, you know,the correspondence was of a sexual nature, but in a humorous form. I immediately left the chat, put my phone away and thought about it all day.

I’ll say right away that I’m a very emotional person, I tried very hard not to give myself away, but whenMy husband returned from work, I just couldn’t stand it and told him, demanding an explanation. He became very nervous, it was clear that he never even thought that I would find out, he began to mumble something and make excuses. And then he said that they (the Koreans) have such jokes, and I don’t understand them test-antibiotic.com. Part of me didn't believe him, but the other part still hoped it was a joke. I told him that even if these were jokes, I was very unpleasant and if he continued to joke with women like that, then we would have to separate. He promised that he would never “joke” or communicate with this woman like that again.

For the next month I watched his phone, there was nothing, everything was clean. And I calmed down. And another month later, when we were driving in the car, a call came on the phone, the number was not saved, but I remembered every digit of that woman’s number, and it was her. He didn’t answer because he was driving, he didn’t even look to see who was calling.

Today we had a conversation on this topic again, but now he says that they don’t make such jokes anymore, and she calls him to help her with her work.

What do you think? Still a lover? Or am I really pushing myself too hard?

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