I want to save my family, but I can’t forgive my husband

I want to save my family, but I can’t forgive my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been living together for almost 10 years, together for 13 years. We lived well, had children, two boys. Everything seemed to be fine, but six months ago we had a very strong fight and he left.

He didn’t say where he lived, but we talked and didn’t forget the children, and the other day we had a serious conversation, where he admitted that he had someone else and had been dating for two months.

It was a blow for me; I never expected this from him. He says that he doesn’t love her, doesn’t want to live with her, I asked, but he wants to live with me, to which he replied that he wants to, but there will be no such relationship. He understands that he made a mistake, he is ashamed of me, and I understand thatI can’t forgive yet.

I feel hurt and hurt when I found out my world collapsed, I just cried, howled, I was devastated. Today I sat down and wrote a list of everything good and bad that we had in life and realized that I want to save the family, but I still can’t forgive. test-antibiotic.com Maybe things will get better for us in the future.

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