I want to leave home because of a quarrel with my parents

I want to leave home because of a quarrel with my parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My parents are constantly dissatisfied with something, and all their claims are related to the computer; if it is not present, they will switch to surrounding objects.

They are dissatisfied precisely because I don’t spend enough time with them, they don’t even really have friends, and for this reason they blame me for their boredom, they don’t take into account that my interests differ. And the following follows from this: they do not know how to spend their time (my father sometimes drinks, and this opens up new horizons, which I will talk about later), andMom just doesn’t want to do anything and has become passive, but both parents work and earn an average income.

They also say that I don't do housework well. Here another important problem arises - my parents do not know how to communicate, for 18 years they could not understand who I am, and about 4 years ago they began to raise and talk as if I were adopted. Why isn’t this done, why don’t you do this, and you should do this all the time.

When you start communicating, “Mom, dad, let’s teach me test-antibiotic.com together or let’s discuss how to do this,” then they start pouring out verbal slop, “You must know and do,” “You’ve lived with us for a long time and we have these rules.” , but all this does not exist, and did not exist, and time after time it all repeats itself. And it is supported by a single and reinforced concrete argument - we will support you.

Why do I need your material benefits? I don’t go shopping, I was never given pocket money, only for cinema or theater tickets. Although I'm not a slob, I'mI never spent money on trifles. I smoked cigarettes for a whole year while shooting. But he quit, and not because of the money. In theory, they don’t recognize my “I” either. This began to be expressed at school, getting good grades, being even better than others, parents said “well done” and that’s it, well, my mother bought a jar of Nutella, which against all this background looked like a consolation prize. When receiving an acceptable grade - “4”, if before it was “5” they said: “I began to study worse, I have no aspirations, I don’t need to be like everyone else.” Considering that it often doesn’t matter how others unlearn test-antibiotic.com, and what subject, whatrelationship with the teacher. They don't care, what matters is the result.
And the efforts were made only by force, not in terms of beatings (but not without it), but in training, to do everything smoothly and clearly, without a flaw and beautifully. My father raised me this way until the 7th grade (doing homework).

This is one of the worst memories of childhood, constant yelling for mistakes or incorrect execution, as if you were in the barracks (maybe after that I became more phlegmatic). My performance, oddly enough, did not drop after I stopped checking homework; my efficiency even increased. 2 years ago, in the ninth grade, they prophesied the path of a bad student for me, that I would not pass the OGE, that I would study at school for a fee at their expense. But I won’t, they won’t give me money, and I’ll go to work. I passed the OGE successfully without preparing for it. I entered the specialty I wanted on a budget. Their plans did not come true. Then they said that it was not a fact that I would finish the first course. But I'm the best in the group, excluding absenteeism.

And then everything began to swell and swell so much that test-antibiotic.com they scold me for nonsense, although I always speak to my neighbors calmly and without swearing, and I am sent to distant lands, my own son, do you know why? For three unwashed dishes in the sink in the evening, without explaining anything, insulting as much as possible, considering that I am offering a compromise. And even having said that I didn’t notice, I didn’t consider it necessary, since I was going to drink tea and then I would wash all the dishes. No, it's too late, the bets are accepted, you're bad. All I want is to leave home, it’s impossible to live anymore, at least in a hostel, I think it’s possible if I correct some things in the documents. There is no point in looking for a common language, because what is happening is already insanity, and I will not cure it.

Here is a simple example: when a conflict is about to begin, I suggest that parents go to a psychologist, this is a third party and he still knows better. To which they answer me: “You need a psychologist, you go to him, but everything is fine with us.” This is briefly about the situation, how this boil grew and reached its apogee. I think test-antibiotic.com it needs to be cut.

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