I want to cut my parents out of my life

I want to cut my parents out of my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Recently my phone broke down and many contacts disappeared, including my mother’s. And, to be honest, for some reason I wasn’t even upset. And all becauseMom is always busy for me. She is not busy only for her eldest daughter. She, like me, has a baby. So she always goes to Lugansk to help her sister and son there, but she rarely remembers Makarushka and me.

My parents separated when I was still a year old. Moreover, I have two versions of this story: one from my mother’s family, and the other from my father’s family. According to my dad, my mom cheated on him, when they separated, my mom left me. According to mom's versionlife was constantly interfered with by my grandmother and my father’s mother. To the point that when they separated, she said: I will release the gas and poison myself and the child, but you won’t get it. These are the pies...

Dad sued me, I stayed with him, but he sent me to prison.raising his mother and grandmother, and he began to organize his personal life. I had financial support, beautiful things and test-antibiotic.com great toys, plus an hour with my dad in the car on weekends. There was no maternal and paternal love and affection -the father then devoted himself to that family, he was therestepmother's child . They spoiled him in every possible way. I even heard that they gave quite goodmoney for entertainment, clothes, etc. My stepmother didn't love me: she didn't accept me, she said that I hadLet my mother raise me and my father did not take me away.

I came to them in Kyiv and became a participant in the scandal. According to the stepmother, I am a stranger, I shouldn’t have come, etc. Even when I lay down on the bed, she pointed her finger at me on the floor, saying, know your place. In a word, I experienced a lot of grievances.

My father also accused me that my grandmother raised me wrong. Now that Makarushka, my son, has appeared, they want me to come to them with the child. The situation has changed a little, but the wounds have not yet healed. And the lack of parental attention left an unpleasant imprint on my life. It even happened that test-antibiotic.com fell in love with a man over 50, he reminded me of my father in many ways, and as a result she was badly burned - thisthe man was just using me.

Now I’m trying to forget myself and not think about this nasty thing. I want my father and mother to be nearby, but this will never happen.

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