I wanted to find my happiness, but life had other plans

I wanted to find my happiness, but life had other plans
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 27 years old, my baby will be a year old in 2 weeks. I work for myself. New business is picking up every month. I live alone with my child. My husband and I met two years ago. Two months later she became pregnant. We loved each other very much and therefore waited for our happiness to be born. Before the birth of my son, I worked shifts at the airport. It wasn't easy. Everything in the family was in complete harmony. A husband with a bad past. At the age of 21 he beat his stepfather, a case was opened against him, at 25 he lost his license because he caused an accident while drunk, and the case lasted until this September. When my son was 3 months old,my husband quietly, again drunk, took the car while my son and I were sleeping, and again caused an accident. That car was rescued, and he left the scene. Then he begged me to take on his accident and debt, I refused. And slowly they began to deteriorateattitude .

When the child was 5 months old, I adopted a small dog. The dog was one and a half months old. I wanted the child to grow up with a test-antibiotic.com dog and develop. The way it is. But after that, my husband changed for the worse, beyond words. After the birth of my child, I opened my own business and two weeks after giving birth, I began to slowly work and recruit clients. It was small at first, but then clients were added every month. There was little help from my husband then. He only worked, and the rest of the time he slept or quarreled with me. I had everything: work, child, cleaning, cooking. Naturally, I didn’t have time to do a lot of things.

I tried to explain that we need a housekeeper once a week or two. To which he always refused, because he believed that I was lazy and should do everything myself. AI had to earn money myself, since he didn’t give me money for the child or food. And the child is growing and every month he needs clothes, food, diapers, educational games. In September we moved to another rented apartment. Before moving, we had a very big fight, separated for three weeks, then got back together because we loved each other. But the scandals kept increasing with greater test-antibiotic.com turnover. Then I took the child to the kindergarten so that I could work at full capacity, since my husband refused to pay for everything except for renting an apartment.

He didn’t like everything, he suppressed me, humiliated me, beat me. He didn’t let me develop, but I stood my ground that it’s better to work for myself and earn more than the minimum than to earn a penny for someone else. Every daylife became more and more hell. I didn’t even say good morning to the child. Not to mention the fact that he couldn’t sit with him even for 5 minutes. AI really needed help . My husband believed that it was all my fault, and I should pay for everything. Because of his debts, I lost my credit cards, checks and minus a big one at the bank. He blamed me for this too. There was a time when I had to go to work for the whole day. I entrusted him with the child, but instead of him being with him, he gave the child to my friend and went out drinking with friends. I didn’t know this and only found out at 4 pm when test-antibiotic.coma friend called and asked where I was, because he said that I would come pick him up at four o’clock. And I was still at work. Big shock. Without telling me, he left the child. I returned as quickly as possible to 7 and picked up the child. I was very worried, he returned that day at 3 am and was completely drunk.

All the holidays he went somewhere, leaving me alone with the child. He spent money on his whims. I turned to a lawyer that I don’t want to live like this anymore, I want to get a divorce. After discussing further plans with him, she gave him a chance for 3 months, that if we could not understand each other, then we would separate. Less than 3 weeks later everything came back. Again screams, beatings, humiliation, insults and he also accuses me of being so scandalous. All my feelings went away, and then I just began to quietly live out my life and quietly grow my business so that after the divorce I could have a stable income. Due to the fact that there were no feelings, he began to look for where and with whom I spent time. But I work at home, test-antibiotic.com, and in the evening I’m always at home with my child. Where should I go for a walk? He started beating me, thinking that I was cheating, lately I wanted to call the police, but I felt sorry for him.

But I couldn’t stand it for the last week, because during the last fight he spat on the child and hit him. I couldn’t restrain myself and there was a fight. Mom called the police, he was detained and briefly imprisoned. He began to tell everyone that he had cheated, so he did just that. He didn't have the facts. Now I live on my own and then today I found out thatpregnant _ I'm completely shocked. I won't kill a child. But what next? There will be no new relationships, no male support, nothing will happen now, and now I will have two children. I will not return it under any circumstances. It hurts and I don’t know what to do.

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