Chronic loser

Chronic loser
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Unlucky in everything: neither in work, nor in personal life, and there are also many problems with health. Whatever I take on doesn’t work out, it’s not mine. I can’t work either mentally or physically, I’m an outsider everywhere. I can’t communicate with people, I can’t do anything. It feels like someone is hovering over me and just mocking me. The further I go, the worse, the more effort I make, the worse and worse it gets.

I'm not exaggerating now, I'm just not capable of absolutely anything. What I tried to do, and several times. Everything is empty. It’s probably just fate, to be a loser. After all, not everyone can be successful; there must also be losers for balance.

It was lucky for me, not for anyone else, but for me. Question: “What’s the point of continuing all this? Indeed, with age, more problems and diseases will be added to those that exist now.”

It's just some kind of nightmare.