I only had the courage to cheat on my husband, but not to change my life

I only had the courage to cheat on my husband, but not to change my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am an ordinary person. She lived in a poor family, grew up a very modest girl. I had many friends as a child. As a teenager, I didn’t do stupid things, I have a strict father and I went out for a walk on time, I was clearly under control. Before graduation, I did not have a serious relationship with any guy.

After graduation, I entered, studied and there was the firstlove , intimacy. She began to live as an adult. My institute was 300 km from home. I lived alone, rented an apartment, worked, studied in two institutions at once, in absentia and at the same time in person. I don't know how it all worked out. But I had everything a student needs. I worked in many places, because in those years it was difficult for a student to find a job, only for half a day.

I was 19 when I met my future husband. Then, like everyone else, a wedding, children, and family life. We have been married for 13 years. I wouldn't say a lot, but not a little either. The daughter is an adult, she will be 11 soon.

Everything is there, you need to live and rejoice. But test-antibiotic.com almost had a revolution in my life. I turned the wrong way, as they say - fell in love, living in marriage.

I fell in love with a man, having met him on the Internet, I was already ready to leave my family, I was ready to take my daughter and go where my love called me. She was ready to cross out everything in her life, she was ready to change the life of her daughter, without having the right to do so. After all, daughters are quite comfortable here, with mom and dad. I mentally lived with this man, believed what he told me, generally believed him 100%. I just loved him and everything he says.

I can't explain it how and why I fell in love living in a marriage. I don't know. In truth, my husband and I were cold to each other before I fell in love. He considered living at work on a business trip. I do not justify myself, but I felt then that he did not need me. My husband and I had this relationship for a year.

And then I met my man. I really test-antibiotic.com in my life have not met anyone like him. I wouldn't say he's awesome or anything. He was just how close to my soul, I felt him as my person, I don’t know how to describe it. It was good for me to just talk with him, be silent, breathe, it just doesn’t matter where and how with him. He understood me like no other. It's like we've known each other for 1000 years.

We were together for almost a year. We broke up on my initiative. And before that, I broke off these relationships more than once, because all this was not right. A lot of things stopped me - my conscience tormented me very much.

The husband found outwife too, there was a lot of pain, drama. As a result, we live each in our own family, at the moment.

I will not describe how and what happened with my husband with us. But now I live with him under the same roof. And I have no forgiveness, in general, I will answer for this in full. I already answer, and I have to live with it.

I am writing here, speaking out, because test-antibiotic.com has passed half a year, and this pain does not leave me, the feelings are alive, it's all indescribable. Who loved, he will understand.

I wish I could turn back time so that none of this happened. To not hurt people. But I've never felt the way I did with "my man." Love is such a thing that does not give easy ways and that you have to fight for everything yourself. Everything depends on yourself.

I could change and turn my life around 180 degrees, go over everyone's heads, thinking only about myself. But the last moments with “my man”, I was very disappointed in his words, deeds, and everything came to naught.

Why didn't I want to continue this? After all, I read somewhere that we live once and we need to think about ourselves, because your life is yours, and it is one. But why then live if you are a complete egoist?

I live kind of waiting for something. It's like I didn't finish something somewhere. I can't figure out why I'm in this state right now. I did a lot of things, but test-antibiotic.com can fix everything.

I will only say that you need to do everything at once, what you want, and not put it off until later, for a better time. There will never be a better time, and there will never be a convenient moment either. Despite everything, love must be saved, pulled to the surface. Live and enjoy life. I didn't, I couldn't. I am not a strong woman, but a weak one. I did not hold back, he did not want to offer.

To each according to merit.

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