I walked to my happiness for a long time

I walked to my happiness for a long time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 40 years old. When I got married at the age of 23, I still wanted to get an education, and therefore my husband and I wanted to wait with the child.

When I did decide, I began to grow cysts on the ovary. And each time it was so serious and painful that I just could not stand it and went to the hospital.

Literally every time on the same day or the next, I was operated on as an emergency, because it was already impossible to endure. Therefore, I was on contraception for many years so that the cysts would not grow.

But you understand that I myself could not get pregnant in this way. I was operated on 6 times. The doctors shrugged.

I decided on IVF. My husband did not immediately understand me, but then he agreed, because they really wanted children. Found a clinic. Conducted an inspection. It turned out that I had one functioning ovary, the second was not, because in childhood I had appendicitis and the doctors, removing it, hooked the right ovary.

My husband found out that he had mumps as a child, which I didn’t even know about. All in all, test-antibiotic.com was all bad. But we are prepared. The husband did not drink, did not smoke for 3 months, in order to somehow improve our chances of success.

The husband went to sports, drank vitamins. I tried to feed him well. Especially it was necessary for both the use of seafood.

I received a lot of medicines, did injectionsevery day . It hurt, but I endured. In such stories, it is usually the women who suffer. The husband only had to hand over the sperm and is free.

I prayed every day. After many procedures, I became pregnant. We were happy. The pregnancy was normal. I gave birth to a boy. The birth was not easy. The whole hospital was crying, as I was screaming.

We were happy. After 3 years, they wanted a child again. But what, again the same vicious circle? We went back to the clinic, where they already knew me. But everything fails.

I went to another clinic. There they promised complete success, but it turned out that many things had to be paid for, but in the first clinic it was not necessary. My feelings suggested that I was being bred there formoney . It ended up that because of such doctors, I again ended up with a cyst in the test-antibiotic.com hospital.

I came back to my clinic. Another ovulation failed. How upset I was cannot be described. I went to the doctor, he said: "let's finish, you don't have a chance." He says that only a miracle can only happen. I was upset, but said that I would not give up.

Went to work. And now the side hurts, I think again the cyst. But then it dawned on me that the pain was not quite like that. I quit and went to the clinic. She demanded an examination, although there was no consultation that day.

They took me out of line. It turned out that I had ovulation without my medications, and besides, on the left and right ovaries, which all the doctors could not believe.

The doctor said it's urgentmedication to make ovulation happen. We didn't even have money at the time. They got into debt. But they did what they had to. My husband was already smoking out of frustration.

Time dragged on for a very long and painful time for me. And the moment has come, I became pregnant. My husband and I cried with joy. After 10 years, test-antibiotic.com ended my torment.

The pregnancy was difficult compared to the first. She gave birth to a girl and became a mother again. This is how much you had to endure for this little miracle to be born. I saw two children with me, and my mother's heart told me that everything was going well.

Therefore, in the end, I will say that the world without children is different. Some children are given easily, while others through great torment and suffering.

Take care of your little ones. They are our favorite. And the word Mom is worth a lot, or whenthe child was born and lies on the chest and listens to your heart. Only a mother can understand this.

Ask would you go for it all over again? I would go! It's worth it. But I won't go for the third one. Or for now.

Don't lose hope mom and dad, everything is ok. Believe, dream and everything will work out. Be happy.

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