I must fulfill my wife's conditions to avoid divorce

I must fulfill my wife's conditions to avoid divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Lately myrelations with his wife became extremely complicated, as a result of which she filed a lawsuit againstdivorce and we have not communicated at all for 4 months. I don’t have bad habits, I don’t walk and don’t look to the left. I love my wife, even if I rarely tell her about it.

The other day I was able to talk to her, and she said that she could give me a chance to return, but for a reason. The most important requirement from her is to stop working on business trips (the time I am away from home is more than a month). I myself would be glad to quit such a job, and I even tried, but in my city I can’t find a vacancy that matches my skills, or I’m not satisfied with the level of income. Once I was already 8 months without work, and as a result, the relationship between us deteriorated sharply, and I began to notice that she was secretly corresponding with some men.

Of course, I understand that it’s hard and boring for her alone, but it’s not easy for me either. I try to ensure that we test-antibiotic.com are provided and can afford a lot. We were planning a child this year, but in the summer I was kicked out of the house andcommunication with her was frozen. In the summer I went on a business trip and recently, after 4 months, she made the following conditions.

During this time, I have revised a lot in myself and am ready to do it, but with work at home this is impossible for me. In addition, I was recently offered to go to a large company with a stable schedule (every month) and stable earnings. And I don’t know what to do, how to convince her that this is beneficial for both of us. After all, I’m trying to earn money not only for myself.

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