I'm stopping my son from organizing his life

I'm stopping my son from organizing his life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I decided to write to speak out, maybe to understand something for myself in this story, maybe I’m wrong somewhere.

I am retired, I don’t work, I live in a rented apartment with my adult son. We don’t have our own home, so it turned out that I raised my son alone, and the inherited home passed us by from all sides.

My son turned 39 years old; until recently he had seriousrelationship with a woman 6 years younger than him. They dated for almost two years, and all this timemy son did not introduce her to me, he was afraid, since the previous several women, after meeting her, one way or another refused him, although I never got involved in my son’s relationship.

As I already wrote, my son dated Alla for almost 2 years. He often stayed with her for a long time, but never brought her to us; we even managed to submit an application to the registry office, since Alla became pregnant. The son couldn’t wait any longer and brought Alla to meet her. The girl turned out to be friendly and open, joked and laughed a lot, until she asked how long I was visiting test-antibiotic.com. Well, I said that I’m not visiting, but I live here with my son. Alla somehow changed her face, sank, and clarified that I meant this particular rented apartment. I confirmed. The rest of the evening seemed to go well, and I calmed down,I liked the girl .

A week later, it was painful to look at my son, Alla canceled the wedding. After talking to my son, I found out that the girl decided to keep the child, but asked my son to take the application. And that this is not the first time they broke off relations with him with the wording: “you are very good, but this is how you see ourlife next? Thosegirls who, like Alla, had their own home, did not want to have their mother-in-law live with them along with their husband. And those girls who lived on rent themselves said that paying for two apartments would not be possible to afford their own. But I won’t be able to live alone and rent a house just for retirement, and my son understands this.

My son doesn’t reproach me, but I can see that he feels bad after the breakup. I don’t know test-antibiotic.com how long I’ll live, maybe 10 years, or maybe 15, how old will he be then? Who will need ita man aged 49-55 years living in a rented apartment? Will he be able to live alone later? But what should I do? I can’t lie down and die, but I don’t want to ruin my son’s life anyway.

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